Front Page Update

Upcoming Worship Service Change
On May 19th the regular worship service will be held at 11:00 AM. Prior to the service we will have a reception in the social hall at 10:00 AM for the confirmand. Please mark your calendar accordingly.

Donations Welcome
There are several ways that you can help our local community with material items. Please consider donation items as you are able:
THIRVE: When you go to the grocery store, please remember our neighbors being helped by Thrive. All canned goods as well as personal care items can be left in the basket in the narthex. These items will be given to those in our community who are in need. The food will be delivered to Thrive. Please do not leave clothing and other items for the homeless. THRIVE will not take them. They would need to go either in the yard sale or taken to LINK who will accept them.
TRINITY’S RED FOOD BOX: The Red Food Box needs you! Donations needed please! If you are willing to bring in food to place in the box, here is a list of some of the items that can be purchased: disposable water bottles, canned goods with pull tabs (items that do not need to be refrigerated or heated), tuna packs, granola bars, crackers, anything else that would be nutritious and non-perishable. So, please bring in an item or two to feed our hungry community! As the weather warms up, please be sure to purchase items for the box that are completely sealed and are not sticky like juice and fruit containers, so that they do not draw critters to the box. Thanks to all who have brought in items so far.
THIRIVE FRESH FOOD DONATIONS: For all my gardeners out there… if you have an overabundance of fresh produce from your gardens and you want to donate it to Thrive, please drop off the produce in the cooler located in the narthex. We will run the produce
up to Thrive for you, along with the produce we are growing here at Trinity.

Tuesday Bible Study on Zoom
Tuesday’s Bible study will be held via in-person or Zoom which starts at 10:30 AM (Eastern).  Here is the link to the readings and the Gospel lesson.
Zoom invite:
Meeting ID: TBD
Click Here for Optional Access to all Zoom Meetings

Fellowship Night Out
Join us for a relaxing night of fellowship at Tradition Brewing on Thursday, May 30 at 6:30-8:00. It will be a chance to catch up, share time together, and relax as we head into summer. Bring games, snacks, whatever you would like. Drop by for a few minutes, stay the whole time, simply come to spend time with your church family.

Church Office Hours
The current church office hours will be from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Thursday.  If you have any questions after these hours, please contact Pastor Tina or Anne Obara by their cell phone numbers.

Help the School with these Simple Fundraisers
Trinity Lutheran School is connected with local grocers and AmazonSmile so that with every purchase you make, TLS benefits.  The school is also collecting BoxTops for education. Use this link for more information or contact the school to get details.


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