Music is an integral part of our worship and congregational life at Trinity. Our church has a rich history of music and the arts, and we aim to provide opportunities for everyone in our congregation who desires to express their faith through liturgy and song. If you would like to participate in a musical group, please contact Geoffrey Bell, our Director of Music Ministries!
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir leads the congregation in worship every Sunday from September through June, as well as special services throughout the year. The choir offers a variety of music in worship, from classical to contemporary to gospel. Anyone who loves to sing is invited to join – no musical ability or previous choral experience required! Rehearsals are Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30pm in the choir room.
Trinity Ringers
The Trinity Ringers serve as Trinity’s handbell ensemble, ringing the church’s three octaves of Malmark bells and chimes in worship about once a month. We welcome new ringers of any age or experience level, and are willing to teach new ringers. Rehearsals are Sundays immediately following worship in the sanctuary.
Our Instruments
Trinity’s three-manual, 37-rank Casavant Frères organ (Op. 3039) was originally built in 1969 under the direction of Don Golden, Trinity’s Organist/Choirmaster Emeritus. It was refurbished in 2018 by Patrick J. Murphy Organbuilders, including re-leathering as well as adding a new Peterson digital combination action and control system.
Trinity also has a number of pianos, including a 6’3” Baldwin L in the sanctuary and a 5’10” Howard 550-C in the choir room. In 2025, we plan to purchase a 7’6” Yamaha C7X to replace our sanctuary Baldwin, which will give us an exceptional instrument to accompany worship and host performances by outside groups.
We also own a variety of percussion instruments, including timpani, cymbals, and numerous drums and rhythm instruments.