Sermons on Mark

Sermons on Mark

17 Nov 2024

26th Sunday after PentecostNovember 17, 2024Mark 13.1-8  I wish I came here this morning with a happy, warm and fuzzy story from our time in Costa Rica, like the little guy whose mom brought him in to see us a year after our docs saved his one week old life from meningitis last year, but that isn’t the story that has been holding my heart. No…the moment that still plays over and over in my brain is the mom who…

20 Oct 2024

22nd Sunday after PentecostOctober 20, 2024Mark 10.35-45 We’re going to play a little bit of a guessing game this morning. I’mgoing to give you some facts and you have to see if you can come up withwho you think I’m talking about. When you think you know it just raiseyour hand; I want to see how long it takes the majority of us to figure thisout. So here we go. She was born January 19, 1946. She has beennominated for…

13 Oct 2024

21st Sunday after PentecostOctober 13, 2024Mark 10.17-31 0.2% A miniscule number, meaningless even, basically impossible. Having a 0.2% chance of doing anything is pretty much saying it’s just not going to happen. Those are the kind of odds a team has of winning with ten seconds left in a came they are losing. It’s barely worth mentioning, and yet, 0.2% is my current favorite kind of odds, because it turns out, it’s actually not impossible. It’s close, but it’s not…

22 Sep 2024

18th Sunday after Pentecost September 22, 2024 Mark 9.30-37 If you were here a couple of weeks ago, you might remember thestory of Sebastian’s quick exit from Tron while we were at Disney. Well,that same day, one of my favorite moments of the trip happened. As Imentioned before, Bash was highly skeptical of any ride that could beconsidered “big.” It was his first time riding any rides like this, and so priorto any ride, the line experience would be filled with questions…

08 Sep 2024

16th Sunday after Pentecost September 8, 2024 Mark 7.24-37 As most of you are pretty well aware of by know, you know that Icome from a long line of sports enthusiasts who are nothing if not fiercelyloyal when it comes to our teams. At my grandpa’s funeral, our pastorworked in his love of the Detroit Tigers into the sermon because she knewthat was at the core of his identity. I grew up on the baseball diamonds ofthe various leagues my…