What to Expect

What to Expect


We get it! Showing up to a new church can be intimidating. This section has you covered. Learn what our services look like from start to finish.

Our services typically last 60-90 minutes depending on how many announcements there are and if we have special music that day.

The atmosphere is very relaxed. We do stand and sit throughout the service. These times are marked in the bulletin and our Pastor announces each change. If you’re not sure what to do just follow along with the group. We do not stand for extended periods of time.

Style of Worship

We follow the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and enjoy a traditional service. We use the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal and sing throughout. The TLC Choir sings most Sundays.


Our members worship as they are comfortable. You’ll see children in onesies, teens in jeans, adults in sweatpants, and Mr. Bill in a snazzy bowtie! There’s no judgement so please come as you are. We’re glad to welcome anyone and everyone.

A Typical Service

Here’s a (slightly too long) break down of what a typical service is like at Trinity Lutheran Church.

Spoiler alert – we’ll run through the whole service. If you like surprises, we recommend you skip this section.


Members arrive to church services anywhere from a few minutes to an hour before we start. Grab a bulletin from the back of the church or off the music stand by the side door and find a pew. You can also find a digital bulletin on our Bulletins page.

Have a seat wherever you are comfortable! We have plenty of space. Feel free to introduce yourself to our ushers or any of our members and we can help get you settled.

Our Pastor starts the service with a couple of important announcements. Members can add any information they need to share with the congregation.

We do not make new faces introduce themselves so rest easy! But, if you’d like to say hello, raise your hand and let us know who you are.

Our Organist helps us center our hearts and minds by starting service with the prelude. Buckle in because Geoff likes to really open up the organ and show us what it can do!


Service starts with Thanksgiving, a gathering hymn, and the Kyrie. All hymns are labeled in the bulletin and are found in the hymnal in the pew.

Next we have our First Lesson reading, the Psalm (sung or read responsively), and our Second Lesson.

The Gospel follows our lessons. We will sometimes have a hymn before and after the Gospel. Look to see how many verses we sing before pausing to hear the Gospel.

Children’s Chat

Children’s Chat is next and all who are “young at heart” are invited to come to the altar to hear the children’s message. Typically, children ages 5-18 come up but feel free to bring a younger child. Children’s Chat ends with a prayer led by the Pastor. We finish when the Pastor says “And the children of the light say” [everyone claps once] and we all say “A-men.”


The Sermon follows Children’s Chat and then we sing the Hymn of the Day, say the Nicene Creed, and hear the Prayers of Intercession.


The Sharing of the Peace is an event at Trinity! Everyone leaves their pews and greets each other with a handshake or hug and an offering of peace. Expect someone to come up and say hello.


Trinity ushers will pass the plate. Offering is completely voluntary. Many of our members arrange for automatic debit using our Giving page. Trinity Lutheran Church is a 501(c)(3) and all offerings are tax deductible within the limits of the law. If you need confirmation of your offering, please write a check or give online.

The Meal

The meal is prepared for all who worship at Trinity Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome to come to the altar for communion. If you have a small child, please have them cross their arms and they will receive a blessing. The bread will be handed to you by the pastor. The wine is given in individual cups – clear cups for wine, purple cups for grape juice. Recycling baskets are located just outside of the side doors as you walk back to your seat.


After the post communion prayer, we sing the sending hym and then the dismissal.


After the service, stick around to hear our organist play the postlude. If you enjoyed the prelude, you’re really going to love the postlude.